Walk On Me

Walk On Me, Fine Art
Walk On Me
My inspiration for this painting was to illustrate my insecurity in being different. I used the blue to represent strangers and the brown toned legs to represent my own. The knees of the blue legs are facing away in a stomping position to show dominance while the brown toned knees are facing inward to show that shyness. I used acrylic on drawing paper and used a brush to tab the paint on in a messy matter, but for the legs that represent my own, I used oil paint to make them smooth and contrast with the chaotic nature of the blue legs. I purposely chose the complementary colors, blue and orange, to make the artwork pop.

Fine Art (Painting)    18 x 24    $100.00   

Artist Statement
I have been drawing since I was 2 years old and have been self teaching myself to paint for a couple years. I usually do digital art, but every once in awhile, I will go back to the basics on paper. I have been in competitions in museums and school which has been a learning experience in winning and losing. I am pursing a degree in Graphic Communications and Graphic Design. On the side, I have been practicing to tattoo. Overall, art is my passion and I will continue to learn and build my portfolio.
SLCC Enrollment School
SLCC Student